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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 6, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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they will make an announcement in the case coming up later today. good morning. >> releasing new details this afternoon. meantime they are also asking for public help. they want to know if anyone may have seen janel allen between thursday afternoon and when she was discovered here friday where friends and neighbors set up a memorial in the park. want to show you two pieces of video that could help. first, police released a surveillance tape taken minute before she disappeared. she was wearing a gray sweater. skinny blue jeans and a pink backpack. the picture taken at east tabor four miles from where her body was discovered. when she didn't show up at her
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foster home she was reported missing. the grim discovery of the t body on friday. take a look at this second video obtained only by nbc bay area news. janel was recording a message with friends. a typical video. where the last picture was taken, that's where neighbors have concerns. >> along with crossing the railroad tracks. this is a big concern. i warned my son that came across. what happened and what can happen, whether that was the area or not. >> here is the last picture. police not saying if they know who she was talking to on her cell phone. on friday where we are at alan wit park in fairfield friday at 6:30, there will be a candlelight vigil in her honor. reporting live in fairfield christine smith, "today in the bay." >> a 63-year-old san jose man is
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under arrest in connection with the suspicious death of a man in hollister. he was inside the home when they were called out early tuesday. also inside the house a man's dead body. officers arrested him on suspicion of murder. police hadn't revealed information about the connection between the men. >> happening now, palo alto police looking for a man who tried to grab an 11-year-old girl as she rode past him on her bike. she was on emerson street monday when the man grabbed her arm. she was able to get home safely. >> all over the country schools are taking extra steps to ensure student safety in the wake of the massacre at sandy hook el menltry in connecticut. schools on the peninsula are about to take safety one step further. bob riddell live with what they will be doing.
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good morning. >> joint effort between redwood city school district and the police department to try to make campuses on the peninsula safer and better prepared in case an active shooter were to attack. police are now encouraging patrol officers to become familiar with the local elementary school in their words to adopt the school asking officers to visit schools in the patrol zone on a daily basis, to become familiar with teachers and students and the layout of the campus. they are asking them to review security procedures to make sure campus is best prepared at keeping a gunman from entering school grounds. it is the only school with a full-time officer. the middle schools have part-timers. educators would be trained on how to handle an active situation. training sessions scheduled for next month and april. the schools are formulating a more comprehensive emergency response plan that would include
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police, fire, hospitals and other first responder. in august or september police and the district will conduct a full scale drill on one of the campuses. similar in nature to what you are looking at t now. this is video of an exercise that took place at a modesto school. this will simulate an active shooter attack allowing teachers to practice lock down procedures while letter police train on how to respond tactically in terms of protecting children and taking down the shooter. again, that's scheduled for the fall. meantime the redwood city school district will hold a forum on school safety. this is scheduled next week, february 11. reporting live in redwood city. bob riddell, today in the bay. >> we check in with christina loren talking about a nice day tomorrow, rain tomorrow. >> a cold blast to follow. rare bay area snow. a live beautiful shot. sfo here. hustling and bustling.
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no flight delays now. we have low ceilings but nothing too bad. the lowest visibility so report is in santa rosa at two and a half miles. indication that fog is settling in. temperatures are cold this morning. 41 degrees in livermore. 38 in sunny vail and 40 degrees in san mateo. headeded for a comfortable day. let's take you through the hour by hour forecast. temps in the low to mid 50s. 54 h degrees in livermore. right around 52 in oakland. basically at noon we'll hit highs from yesterday. this afternoon between 3:00 and 4:00, a beautiful day shaping up. 60 degrees in livermore. 60 in san jose. don't let the day get past you. showers on the way tomorrow. colder weather as well. i'll time the system out to your doorstep in my next report. take a look at the drive. good morning, mike. >> look at the commute as it
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builds on the bay bridge toll plaza. right on schedule. lighter than we see but we are seeing the backup in the cash lanes. we should see them turn soon in the next few minutes. we'll show you south of there looking at the hayward area. the approach south to the san mateo bridge. a slower build there. the northbound side had a complication. we had a mattress there 880 at north 238 causing a backup. now things cleared as the mattress cleared from the roadways. no net loss for speeds through castro valley through there. i will track that and the neptune drive issue. a fire there off the waterfront south of oakland international airport not affecting your drive to the freeway or toward the airport. that is the area we are talking about. a live look as far as the volume of traffic. here's the peninsula drive and a flow of traffic down into the
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south bay with headlights. the burst is on for northbound 101. slowing north of 880 to san jose international airport. a wider look coming up. bab to you. >> the time is 6:08. coming up, fighting words prompting a frank comment here in california. [ inaudible ] >> why governor brown is brushing off texas governor rick perry. we'll tell you about it ahead. >> plus, is nowie valley part of silicon valley? >> and a massive quake and tsunami in the south pacific. the death toll rises ahead. >> and a desperate rescue of a delivery truck dangling over a florida highway. we have the dramatic aftermath just ahead. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast.
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new this morning, one person dead. another hurt after this horrific crash in south florida. it happened about 2:00 this morning. you can see the delivery truck dangling off the freeway overpass. the front end smashed up against a pillar. the driver was rushed to the hospital. his condition now is not known at this time. that passenger unfortunately was pronounced dead at the scene. officials say a second car was involved in the crash. the exact cause remains under investigation. >> a developing story in the south pacific. this morning police patrols say five people are presumed dead and several villages destroyed following a powerful earthquake and tsunami in the solomon islands. this is one with of the photos of one of the t only images of the after math we have seen so far in that remote area.
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the center of the 8.0 magnitude quake was located near the eastern part of the islands more than a thousand miles from brisbane. it prompted a tsunami warning. this is video of people scrambling for higher ground in fiji. this morning the tsunami watch is over. >> it is 6:12 now. time for a quick check of the t top stories. president obama holding a meeting in maryland. the president trying to rally around his approach to immigration and budget dilemmas as republicans express opposition to the agenda. >> the u.s. postal service will stop delivering mail on saturdays. regular mail would stop but packages would be delivered six days a week. the saturday cut backs begin in august. >> the boy scouts of america could vote today on whether to do away with a ban on gay
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members and leaders. there is a new policy that would allow troops to decide whether or not to include gay members. >> governor brown blowing off texas governor rick perry because of a radio ad a trying to get california businesses to relocate to the lone star state. >> there are plenty of reasons texas is the best state for doing business for eight years running. this is texas, wide open for and see why our low taxes, sensible regulations and fair legal system are just the thing to get your business moving to texas. >> the ad, obviously continue serverle shall but goff governor brown isn't sweat withing it. he blew it off during the launch of things in sacramento. >> people want to be here. people wanted to come to california and take the goal gold. you go where the gold is. this is where it is.
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he's not going to lubbock. they won't go back. >> don't mess with texas or jerry brown. he also struck a serious note saying he's aware that business is moving out of california. >> regulatory -- >> how can you not love brown's approach. despite california's troubles silicon valley continues to grow. >> the best in ten years. scott mcgrew is theren changing the definition of silicon valley. >> this is a weird one. they are two groups. silicon valley community foundation. according to them the valley now includes san francisco. it is most certainly for a valley. they would now consider san
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francisco county, san mateo and santa clara county to be silicon valley including parts of the east bay and santa cruz. send me your thoughts on the bay area facebook page. the same report said the traditional part of silicon valley created 2,000 jobs. more b jobs than there are people in cupertino. jobs, yes. more money, not so much. incomes below where they were before the recession. in fact, the lowest they have been in 11 years. for some families it's actually getting worse. gained about 2%. on a lighter note you remember the petition to build a death star. the white house rejected it.
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they said america doesn't destroy planets. this morning there is a new effort to build a privately funded death star. you can see it gained 57,000 pounds in commitments. already some people say, sign me up. if it doesn't reach the funding goals you don't have to pay. go ahead and contribute a dollar to building a death star. >> save that one for the new "star wars" series. >> you have to look at this report. >> yeah. my favorite part b about wednesday. checking in with our own brian hager. he's all the way up in squaw valley with a look at conditions on the slopes. you guys are about to get a good amount of snowfall. what are you experiencing out there? >> the snow is holding up great.
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it's chilly this morning. looking for the snow to get here. >> and the cold blast will keep temperatures cold over the course of the weekend which means that snow will stick. wouldn't you say? >> absolutely. the cold temps keep the snow in perfect condition for skiing afterwards. >> if someone hasn't been up to squaw oral a pine meadows what's the first thing people need to see? >> it depends if they want a lesson. it's great to come into squaw valley village, get the morning coffee. alpine's lodge is great. just getting up early, taking a look at the map. visiting us online at >> this weekend will be phenomenal. thank you, brian. we'll talk to you tomorrow. find out how much you guys are picking up. that snow will be coming down.
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>> 45 tomorrow. that means you will be dealing with snow. that's perfect. temperatures remain cool. ta looks good for you. if you are staying home this weekend temperatures aren't bad. we have rain to get through between now and the weekend. 39 degrees in livermore. good morning in san jose. it's cold in the north bay. temperatures close to freezing. we weren't expecting showers to develop until midnight. isolated rainfall in the north bay. then the front moves to the south. stopping the clock again at 11:00 a.m. during the midday broadcast. we are starting to get showers in the san b jose livermore region. as we head throughout friday.
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tumbling down for straight snow. mount hamilton, fair game for snow. mount diablo looking good. flurries down to 1500 feet. that will be exciting for friday morning. we'll clear you up for the second part of friday. but cool and sunny all weekend long. enjoy today while it lastses. 20 of 60. that goes for san jose, gilroy. 61 degrees there. 59 in santa cruz. here it is. the always welcome seven-day outlook. when it comes to the low snow on friday, look at the highs. 52 degrees. that's it inland friday. getting into the weekend, giants fanfest. lots of sunshine. you will need the sunscreen. 6:20. i was taking a look, mike. it's picking up. >> definitely. the volume of traffic kicking in. wednesd
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wednesday. 87 starting to build. easier for wednesday compared to a traffic tuesday. we'll have a live look. i just showed you this. i want to focus on the southbound side coming toward us at willow road. chp got reports of a crash at the top of the t screen. i haven't seen activity or slowing on the live camera or the sensors. be prepared coming into pal palo alto there. this is where it starts to get built as far as the volume of traffic toward university. not coming to the peninsula. traffic flow westbound is fine. you see a good number of headlights. no delays across the bridge or at the toll plaza. a smooth flow. 92 is picking up the volume. on the east bay we are looking at fremont. south 880 picking up volume past tesla toward san jose. slows coming through hayward with approaching the san mateo bridge. we have a look at t the maps. more east bay slowing and a
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typical build. now south 680 starting to show slowing because of the volume. right around the bend out of fremont over the hill. so far a typical pattern here. over to the bay bridge, the approach is fine. slowing the eastbound freeway. west 80. no incidents but a lot oh company. and the bay bridge toll plaza ef with slowing up the incline and we kicked off the metering lights. the backup at the toll plaza itself and slower down the east shore freeway through berkeley and at the curve. one more live look outside as we see things shaping up here at the toll plaza and the berkeley curve. back to you. >> trouser triumph. flight aten cants can finally wear pants. >> that's a tease worth sticking around for. and a new monopoly token. we'll reveal the new piece being
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added to the classic board game ahead. >> and which one they got rid of as well. awaiting the sun's arrival this morning as we take a clear look outside overlooking the south bay in san jose. lots more ahead. stick around. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant here we go. a trouser triumph for flight attendants in south korea. that's right. trousers. the human rights commission says
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female flight attendants who work for asiana airlines south bay allowed to wear pants. it is the only south korean airline with a no trouser rule for its female flight attendants. >> also new this morning. it is official. monopoly fans are choosing the cat as the board game's new token. it was unveiled during the "today" show. this is the first new piece in more than 60 years. people chose to retire the iron. >> basically you will be wrinkled playing the game. no more iron. >> a lot of cat fur. >> i'm glad the game is alive in this modern era. i used to play religiously. >> that's true. >> are you a fan? >> only at mcdonald's. we have good-looking day shaping up. lots of sunshine. more than yesterday. here's the deal. if you want to get out, it will be comfortable. you don't have to dodge showers.
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60 inland. 59 bayside at the coast. let's check with mike as the drive is picking up. >> a smooth drive as you go up the incline. it's good spacing. that's what i look at -- spacing for the cars. that bogs down close to the s curve. things spaced out again. the drive, doing okay because of metering lights. unfortunately at the oakland side. the north bay shows a good burst of traffic in the last few minutes. we saw thinks burst, slowing and things calmed down. down through san rafal. >> thank you very much. still ahead, a plan to bring people together, pulling the boy scouts organization further apart. controversy over a crucial vote that could welcome gay scouts as members. it's all ahead in a live report. >> also surviving a sneak attack on the beach. what the coast guard says you should do to keep from being swept out to sea by so-called
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sneaker waves. we'll have that coming up. >> in the meantime, look at the beautiful live look. san francisco this morning. gorgeous part of the day. lots more ahead. stick around. here you go little man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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it's a suspected killer set free from jail. we'll tell you what prosecutors lack to keep him behind bars ahead. >> plus, survival skills for a deadly danger. what you can do to avoid being swept out to sea i head. there it is live from new york. we take you to wall streetr from the new york stock exchange on this wednesday, february 6. this is "today in the bay." >> from nbc bay area this is "today in the bay." >> it's not hate, bigotry. it is a choice how to raise my children in my values.
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take your values in places with people that agree with you. >> it's about life skills and building character. it's not about sexual orientation and never has been. >> a call for change headed to a vote as the boy scouts executive board considers reversing the long standing ban on gay members and gay leaders. good morning. it's 6:30. i'm john kelly. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. the national board is meeting in texas, but the decision has a local impact. the vote comes three months after openly gay scout ryan anderson was denied the rank of eagle scout though he completed all the requirements. marla has more from the newsroom. the boy scouts may let individual troops decide for themselves whether to admit gay b members. >> the power lies with individual troops and potentially allows ryan anderson to earn his eagle scout rank. after coming out the high school senior was denied the promotion.
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so his family immediately turned to where they posted a petition that quickly attracted hundreds of thousands of signatures including the autograph of ellen deyen residence who invited ryan to the show. now just months after the boy scouts of america reaffirmed the longstanding ban on gay troops it is considering changing the policy to allow parents and members to choose a local unit which best fit it is needs of their families, end quote. ryan's family tells us this would be a baby step in the right direction. he feels pretty good about the momentum. >> i think it brought it home to a lot of parents who saw their own children in potentially the same position. it was amazing how fast we gathered signatures on the petition. there is almost 500,000 signatures there as of today. it's amazing. >> here is something to note. the majority of boy scout troops are influenced by religion.
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almost 70% of troops are operated by faith-based organizations like the church of jesus christ of latter day saints which runs almost 40,000 troops nationwide. the rest are run by civic or educational groups like a ymca. today's decision comes down in irving, texas. you can bet the anderson family will be watching closely. so will we. when the decision is made we'll bring it to you. you can get the latest online at >> thank you very much. a pittsburgh man prosecutors believe gunned down an east palo alto activist is out of jail. a judge released gregory elarms tuesday on the condition he will appear at future court dates. he was facing murder charges for the shooting death of david lewis at the hillside shopping center in 2010. a judge dismissed the murder charges back in november, ruling
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police illegally forced a confession from him. the district attorney's office has appealed the decision. >> 6:33. a deadly winter on california beaches is prompting the coast guard to take action. the coast guard and national parks service and california state parks will hold a news conference in half moon bay to educate people about so-called sneaker waives. they have claimed two lives so far this year. last week a woman was killed after a large wave swept her and her dog out to sea. they come out of nowhere during calm conditions. >> christina is back to talk about another day before the rain drops start. >> we need them at this point. it's been a dry january or february. despite taking a rook at the beautiful palace of fine arts.
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you can see some moisture out there but no thick low clouds in san francisco. look at the difference here in terms of low cloud cover. what a great shot. i want to thank youer for the live pictures. 39 degrees in livermore. 38 in san jose. leave your umbrella home. you will need it tomorrow. 59 degrees. at the coast today, 58 degrees. in my next report the 7-day outlook for you. you may be thinking about the weekend. it is wednesday. but you have to get to work and work for the weekend. >> a lot of traffic. we'll talk about it in a second. i want to take you to the maps. first of all, we are looking at slowing for the city as you get off the golden gate bridge. obviously getting congestion headed to van ness and the 19th avenue major commute.
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on the coast you have an issue. highway 1, reports of a crash near devil's slide causing a problem. traffic control or maybe a full stop for at least a short period of time. chp coming in here. we have reports of a crash. we don't know yet about injuries. the latest detail coming in. sounds like a head on collision there. we'll track it for highway 1 and the effect on the peninsula commute over to the highways. we are looking at the east as well as we look at a crash, a breakdown. just off 242. slowing here and coming to the north bay. eastbound 780 off 680. you have a crash there as well. heading away from the bridge on 780 cutting over. a live look at the bay bridge. a live look at the backup forming and building through the
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east shore freeway. we'll jump to the next live shot down for the south bay looking at san jose. a smooth flow of traffic. volume is starting to build here kicking in for the slow down. we'll show you the other freeways as well. 87 and 85 coming up in the next report. >> an apology and extra step from a 49er whose anti-gay remarks were caught on oh camera. >> it's deadline day in the doping case against lance armstrong. we'll tell you about the deal that could possibly lift his lifetime ban from cycling ahead. >> chris brown back in court. the community service controversy that could land him in trouble with the law just ahead. >> now we'll go outside for a live look at the golden gate bridge. not bad. traffic flowing out there. we'll tell you about everything happening on the bay area roads. more weather coming up. ♪
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♪ if loving you is wrong
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♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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r & b singer chris brown returns to a los angeles courtroom today. brown has not completed his community service after pleading guilty to beating his girlfriend and singer rihanna in 2009. brown's attorneys says the claims are libelous and defamatory. >> it's deadline day for lance armstrong to cooperate with federal authorities. the u.s. anti-doping agency said
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it could lift armstrong's lifetime ban from cycling if armstrong provides information about the doping use. armstrong says he will cooperate with the world anti-doping agency instead. >> a san francisco 49er apologized for making anti-gay remarks before the super bowl. now chris culliver will ask for sensitivity training. staff will meet with him in the coming weeks to help him under how hateful words lead to tragedy. a spokesperson says the team will reach out to lgbt groups as well. >> coming up, you have to act fast for a deal to get you from san jose to california for less than $50. >> i'm thinking of a number between one and 400 quadrillion. we'll take a look.
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>> plus, one moment she's performing for the camera. the next minute she's gone. the mysterious death and disappearance of a young girl ahead. e ♪ ♪ i'm halfway to your heart ♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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. >> announcer: you're watching 15 minutes of continuous news weather and traffic on "today in the bay." >> right now firefighters are on the scene of a house fire on neptune drive about a block away from an oyster bay regional shoreline. one person has been badly hurt in the fire. they won't elaborate on the extent of the injuries. firefighters say the victim had to be pulled out of the house through a front window. the cause is under investigation. >> we have new video this morning of a van catching fire out on interstate 880.
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this happened overnight. you can see this happened on northbound 880 near the west winton avenue exit at 3:30 this morning. the van was pulled over on the right-hand shoulder. the smoke and flames, you can see there, got crews out there working hard to put the flames out. the chp says everybody inside the fan, they are happy to report, did make it out safely. no word yet on the exact cause of the fire. >> we bring you continuing coverage of the mysterious disappearance and death of a young girl in fairfield. this morning, nbc bay area has cell phone video of janel conway allen chatting with friends. she vanished thursday afternoon. "today in the bay's" kristy smith joins us where the community is grieving and searching for answers. good morning. >> a couple of minutes ago two women came by who didn't know janel. they wanted to light a candle in the park where her body was
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found. there are haunting images there. one cell phone video b obtained by nbc bay area news and surveillance picture taken before she disappeared. there is a growing memorial for janel conway allen where her body was found in the park. i wanted to show you the picture released by police showing the 13-year-old before she disappeared and hours before her body was found on friday. she was wearing a gray sweater, skinny genes and a pink backpack. police are hoping it might lead to a suspect by jogging someone's memory. the picture was taken about four miles from where her body was found on friday. janel lived in issasoon city in foster home. here is video obtained by bay area news. janel recording a message with friends. a typical teen video. neighbors had only nice things to say. >> she was as tall as some of them.
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just a great sporty girl. she loved everything. she used to sit on the rock and do her homework and things. >> here is that last image captured again. police haven't said if they know who she was talking with on her cell phone at the time. they are expected to release new information. police holding a press conference sometime this afternoon. i wanted to show you the memorial of the park here. the two women said they have been coming by pretty much every day since this happened. they say it keeps getting bigger and bigger. reporting live from fairfield, kristy smith, "today in the bay." >> we have new details this morning to tell you about in a grizzly killing near santa rosa. police say three men found dead inside a cabin were shot to death. now the hunt is on for the killer. the victims were all found dead inside a cabin on a property on ross station road in forestville
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in sonoma county. police haven't released the names of victims or how they are connected to one another. detectives say it doesn't appear the crime is a murder-suicide. >> happening now, combing through the property where a man held a young boy hostage for seven days inside a bunker. investigators found two explosives so far near the bunker. a s.w.a.t. team killed the man. the boy was not hurt. >> new details this morning in the investigation into the rape of six women in the mexican resort town of acapulco investigators say they have information which may lead them to a gang of armed masked men responsible for this attack. authorities say victims of the hours-long attack are all tourists from spain. this attack happened in a beach home rented out by six spanish
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men tied up during these attacks. >> 6:48. a developing story in the south pacific. police patrols say five people are presumed dead and several villages destroyed following a powerful earthquake and tsunami in the solomon islands. the center of the quake was located near the eastern part of the islands more than a thousand miles northeast of brisbane, australia. the quake prompted a tsunami warning in neighboring countries including new zealand, australia and indonesia. this is video of people scrambling for higher ground in fiji. the tsunami watch is over. un-christina loren is back. rain is on the way. you are telling people to dust off the umbrellas. >> don't wash that car. >> wise. >> i'm breaking your heart out
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there. we are 20 minutes away from the official sunrise. i wanted to show you some stunning shots across the bay area. a beautiful live picture here. you can see people on the highway moving already. i want to show you san jose. a spectacular start here at 6:49. low cloud cover. no fog to report at the immediate surface that will reduce visibility. a beautiful way to start the day. rain on the way. 40 degrees in gilroy. as we head through tonight into tomorrow morning it works out like this. we stop the clock on future cast. into midnight, isolated rainshowers expected. we stop the clock again at 6:00 a.m. and the front comes through. north of the golden gate bridge
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between 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:00 and 2:00 it moves into the san jose area. keep in mind you need it for tomorrow. cold blast arrives friday. we could be tracking low level snow. a rare dusting. that would be the foothills around san jose facing west. 61 degrees in gilroy. thursday into friday, temperatures stay cool. low snow friday morning. then, boom. just as quick as it comes in, it heads out. sunshine on tap for the big weekend. giants fanfest at at&t park should be sunny. a little bit on the cool side. let's check the drive. >> sunny and cool. thank you. wish i had that for a dating profile. my wife, marries, see? looking at san jose. looking at the volume, the slowing here. we just got a burst of traffic
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for the south bay. hitting many of the freeways on the map. look at this. 101 slows from capital expressway to wra the camera is. all the way to the airport. 87 and 280 all building over the last ten minutes. a t lot of folks leave. looking really good. highway 1. that's where we had the report. early reports of a head-en collision at devil's slide. the situation much better. only minor injuries from chp. one way traffic between basically montera and pacifica. watchor delays. delays at the bay bridge to be expect because the metering lights are on. 880 view from oakland shows us how much traffic there is through the area. there you go from both directions. still in the upper 50s past the colosseum. we'll look south of there. slow all the way through hayward and union city.
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a new crash moving to the shoulder. a distraction there coming out of castro valley. >> thank you. >> 6:52 now. court hearings are expected today in two high profile murder cases. >> both are in the south bay. they will ask to add raven dixon as a co-defendant. prosecutors say dixon is a prostitute who gave three gang members information that allowed them to break into robby kumra's mansion. he was b robbed and then killed. his wife was beaten. >> today, a plea hearing set for the man accused of kidnapping and killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar. this happened last month. torres is being charged with with car jacking three women in grocery parking lots in 2009. lamar's body was never found. >> happening now, police are looking for a man who tried to grab an 11-year-old girl as she
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rode past on her bike. the girl told police she was on emerson street monday when a man grabbed her arms. she was able to get home safely. >> all over the country, schools taking extra steps to ensure student safety in the wake of the master at sandy hook elementary in connecticut. right here in the bay area, schools in the peninsula are taking safety further. bob riddle is live with a look at how schools are tightening up security. >> good morning to you, john. the police department will start working closer, have a strong relationship with the school district here on the peninsula to make campuses more secure and better prepared in case there were an active shooter. as part of the plan, police are now encouraging their papa troll officers to adopt an elementary school, asking officers to visit the school.
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they want to make sure the campus is prepared to keep a gunman from entering the school grounds. right here this is the only campus with a full-time officer. the middle schoolers have part-timers. in addition, educators will be trained on how to handle an active shooter situation. the training situations will take in april. schools are formulating a more comprehensive response plan that would include fire, hospitals and other first responders. then in august or september, the police and district will conduct a full-scale drill on a campus. similar in nature to what you are seeing now. video of one held recently in modesto. the exercise will simulate an active shooter attack allowing teachers and students to practice lockdown procedures while training police on how to respond in terms of protecting the children and taking out oh the shoot. that's scheduled for the fall. meantime the redwood city school
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district will hold a forum on school safety for parents scheduled next week on february 11th. reporting live in redwood city, rob riddell, "today in the bay." >> police officers in san jose are asking for a pay raise. police officers are asking for pay increases totaling 16% over the next three years. city leaders say they would support modest raises. chuck reed suggested the city could offer additional pay as the budget recovers from the recession. >> the reality is the average bay area family is probably making far less money than it was ten years ago. >> sad news but some families really saw a huge fall in income. >> isn't it surprising? african-american and hispanic families making much less money last year according to a new report from joint venture silicon valley. full details from the state of the valley report.
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asian and white families saw income rise but not my much. yelp reports traffic today. down a quarter of a percent. nasdaq down as well. as long as we are talking numbers, video game players have taken the incredibly popular game minecraft and calculated how many individual blocks make up each world. they calculated 262 quadrillion, 144 trillion, give or take. have you ever heard of mine craft? i know you have no 12-year-old boys in the family. >> it is wildly popular. 20 million kids and some adults play this 80s retro game. huge. >> when i was 12, i played
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foursquare. >> a little bit different. >> thank you very much. completely different. a follow up to a story we brought you first on monday. virgin america offering low fares to celebrate service from san jose to los angeles. if you book by today and travel before june 5, prices between 49 and 59 dollars each way. that's a bargain. we should point out a new service. june 5 to score a deal. if you're going to do it now is the time. >> i want to check it out. >> now is the time with the bargain. >> got to get away. 6:58. let's check the forecast. you should stay in town. it will be nice. 6:58. they are almost 3. i can't believe it. temperatures are chilly out there this morning. this is a live look over the san
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francisco bay. you can see we have a little bit of fog. mostly clear conditions. it's cold out there. 36 in novado. the official sun rise at 7:08. 59 bay side. 58 degrees. let's check on the drive picking up out there. >> we have to warn our friends. we had the earlier stall at the merge with 24 the causing problems. now a new crash southbound. causing more problems for delays headed into walnut creek. the interchange is moving smoothly. south of there it's okay. toward the dublin interchange slowing through liver it is more. let me show you issues here. we have the fog affecting in the live shot. we have fog affecting into fremont. coming out, a stalled vehicle now, a truck on the northbound side. watch for that. >> 6:59 now.
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a final check on the top stories. the u.s. postal service will stop delivering mail on saturdays under a new plan aimed at saving $2 billion while regular mail would stop packages. the packages will be delivered six days a week. the change goes into effect in august. >> the boy scouts of america could vote today on whether to do away with a ban on gay members and leaders. the organization proposed a new policy to allow troops to decide individually whether to include gay members. something we are closely watching. >> absolutely. >> thanks for joining us this morning. we'll be back with local news at 7:25. >> and every half hour after that. we're working for you. see you tomorrow. . good morning, breaking news, the u.s. postal service just announcing it will stop delivering mail on saturdays. when will it take effect?
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tsunami in the south pacific overnight. five peokilled, dozens of homes destroyed. and countdown to sochi, the winter games one year away. we're having an olympic sized celebration here on rockefeller plaza today, wednesday, february 6th, 2013. and good morning, welcome to today, 7:00 a.m. on the west coast on a wednesday, i'm matt lauer. >> i'm savannah guthrie. this will be hard to fathom, the idea of ending mail delivery on saturday, but it's actually been discussed for a while. this morning the postal service is making it official. >> it is the end of an era.


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